
L'abattage d'arbres

Tree removal

In some situations, tree removal is a necessity to protect or improve an environment when the tree is a nuisance or is incurable. To guarantee safety during the work, the Treesquad uses the most up-to-date safety techniques.

Le permis d'abattage

The city permit

The majority of municipalities ask for a permit under certain conditions. It is very important to check with your municipality to respect the tree removal conditions in your area. In case of request from your municipality; The Treesquad has all the required certifications and will be happy to help you to get your permit.

Le déchiquetage des branches

Chipping branches

The tree branches will be shredded and disposed of for our departure, your land is clean and pleasant.

Le ramassage du bois

Wood collection

Once the work is finished, you can keep the wood at your own convenience or the Tree Squad will take care of removing it in peace.


Stump removal

With the help of a machine call a 'Stump grinder'; we will remove the stump up to 6-8 inches below the ground to permanently remove all traces of the tree and allow you to redevelop your property.